Tuesday, November 23, 2004

November 23, 2004
Earp researcher and author, Steve Gatto, got back to me on the "d--d ------" cursing in the Johnny-Behind-the-Deuce story. Here's what he says:

"I will have to dig out the article tonight to see what's up with the dashes. I'll try to get back to you on it tomorrow. Also, I do have the transcript to the preliminary hearing somewhere, I'll see if there is a reference to the word that was used. It might have been 'faggot' but I'll have to check to be sure."

Very interesting. As I surmised several days ago, I figured the phrase had to be quite emasculating, but I never even thought of "faggot," which would certainly embarrass Mr. Deuce in front of the women in Smith's Cafe.

I got an Email from Frederick Nolan in Chalfont St. Giles, England and this is what he had to say: "regarding memories of JFK and the slipperiness of legend, I trust you'll remember whose 145th birthday it is supposed to be today when you get around to writing your diary."

And of course, he's referring to Henry McCarty, a.k.a., Kid Antrim, Billy Bonney, Billy Kid, Billy the Kid. And yes, I forgot. Thanks Fred.

Fred also sent me this for the vaquero file:

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."

As you know, I’m a sucker for motivation of any kind. Why? Well, if you've read this for any length of time you know I am the King of Procrastination. That's why I cling to anything that gives me focus, hope and artificial strength of any kind (Hello, Kathy?). This morning I got this from Carole Glenn, who got it from a motivator named Bob Davies:

"All human performance is either the avoidance of pain or the seeking of

"As human beings we have very limited perceptions. We can only see certain
wavelengths of light; we can only hear certain levels of sound. We have
limited perceptual abilities in all of our senses. Since our ability to
perceive and interpret our environment is so limited, nature has designed us
to be very discriminating in what we pay attention to.

"Think about driving your car as an example. When is the last time you really
thought about the techniques of driving your car? This has become an
automated process thus enabling you to place your attention on other more
dangerous elements in your environment. In fact, our very survival relies on
our ability to discriminate between what is dangerous, unsafe, can hurt us,
and that which is benign. Our entire day is spent in the perceptual realm of
paying attention to what is painful, and avoiding it in favor of what is

"This is very necessary to sustain your safety. If you did not have the
ability to instinctively know that an activity you were about to engage in
was dangerous and needed to be avoided, you would not be able to function on
a daily basis. For example, let's say you goal is to cross the street. You
have the innate ability to tell if the oncoming traffic is approaching at a
rate of speed that makes that activity dangerous and a threat to your

"All human beings have this automatic process called the 'survival
mechanism'. This is our neurological ability to immediately label a
situation as dangerous and appropriately respond in a way that ensures our

"The survival mechanism has two parts. First, it overrides our desire to
reach our goal and perform the dangerous activity and secondly, it compels
us to avoid.

"The problem is that this powerful mechanism of avoidance doesn't only work
when it is appropriate and the danger is real. It takes effect whenever we
perceive an activity that we want to do as being either dangerous or
uncomfortable, whether the danger is real or not!

"Think about it. What is dangerous about getting up at 5:00 am and going to
the gym to start your day out with exercise? What is dangerous about making
a prospecting call? What is dangerous about pushing away from that second
helping when you are not hungry? Nothing! Reality doesn't matter! If our
brain has anything resembling pain linked to that activity, we will be
compelled to avoid and we will justify the avoidance with rationalization!

"Look at the links, dieting with hunger, prospecting with rejection, getting
up early with being tired. This is the natural process. Although this
survival mechanism ensures our safety, it also ensures our mediocrity or
worse! We must have an intervention if we want elite performance.

"Try this intervention for just one week. I promise you results. Use human
nature to compel you to take the actions you want to take. So, for the next
seven days here is what I want you to do. Sunday evening, write down one
specific activity that you absolutely want to accomplish by the end of the
week. (Specific Declaration) Next, make sure you can take this action no
matter what might come up during the week. Reduce the commitment if you are
not sure. Finally, put a $100 fine on not doing the activity and tell
another person to hold you accountable. (Accountability) Watch what happens
throughout the week. Watch how your perception changes as you select to
perceive opportunities to take that action that you are being held
accountable to and avoid paying the fine. Remember, all human performance is
the avoidance of pain, (the fine), and the seeking of comfort, (keeping your
money and honoring your word). Try this, it will work immediately!"

Okay, I’m game. So, after lunch I had Carole drop me off at the bank where I cashed a check and gave her a $100 bill. When we got back to the office I typed up the following, printed it out and then handed it to every staff member:

Bob Boze Bell’s Contract With Carole Glenn and True West
Since all human performance is either the avoidance of pain or the seeking of comfort I am putting up the sum of $100 cash to Carole Glenn. I am vowing to input all of the rough copy of the 24 Classic Gunfights (for the new book, Volume II: The Gunfights Behind the OK Corral) and have it on the pages in the templates by Friday, December 3 at 5 p.m.

If I do not have the rough copy for all of the gunfights in, the $100 will be spent on a staff party to be decided on by Carole Glenn.
—Bob Boze Bell
November 23, 2004

"Ninety percent of everything is crap."
—Theordore Sturgeon

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