Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010
Went home for lunch and looked through my stack of 10,000 Bad Drawings sketchbooks and found this page of roughs from March 7, 2007:

This was right after Paul Hutton and I joined Bob Brink in New York to attend the annual New York Comic Con in February of 2007. No doubt inspired (or infected) by the mucho macho Manga comics I saw there, I whipped out this John The Baptist dangling head sketch (bottom, right).

Today, I saw it with new eyes and wondered if I could marry that dramatic sketch with a clip photo I have been saving of troops in Afghanistan enduring a sandstorm. I had to be back in the office at two for a design meeting, so I was under the gun, or under the knife, as it were. Did this in about 40 minutes. Here is the result:

Pretty dramatic, no? Need to work on the dangling head a bit, but the swirling dust effects are right on the money.

"The world is full of men who spend their lives fleeing from something that doesn't pursue them."
—Old Vaquero Saying

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