Thursday, October 06, 2011

Castel Rock Rider & Alamo Poacher

October 6, 2011

Long day yesterday, going over our design issues. Had an intense meeting with production and editorial for about two hours in the morning, then ordered out for subs and had a full staff meeting to argue about all of the above. Lots of outrageous comments made, but nobody left or got angry. Very productive.

Had our sixth or seventh historic dinner at Cartwright's last night. This one about the Alamo. Cribbed and poached from Paul Andrew Hutton, Bill Groneman, Thom Ross, Gary Foreman and others from our various Alamo issues. I owe them each a free dinner. Got home at about 8:30, a long day. Didn't have time to post a blog.

Got some much needed rain this morning. Much cooler. First day to wear a sweatshirt since 1978. Well, okay, that's slightly an exaggeration but you get my drift.

Our Number One Museum of 2011 is the Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave west of Denver. Check out their banner which is unfurled every morning at the entrance:

Did three more True West Moments this morning for the Arizona Republic. Went home for lunch and whipped out a little study I call "Castle Rock Rider."

My father, and step-mother Shirley Bridges Bell, had a little ranchito under Castle Rock west of Kingman and it is a prominent peak in the area. Me and my kids hiked up there several times when they were youngsters.

This patina-laden frame-within-a-frame approach is something i have been noodling for several years now. Kind of works here, no? I'm never sure where these are going to go, but I keep going at it. Gee, I wonder what ol' Isaac has to say about this"

"If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention than to any other talent."
—Isaac Newton

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