Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Mess Takes Shape

August 31, 2014
   Curator Cal came over this morning and we dug into the piles and piles of art, organizing artwork into large envelopes. In the garage I ran across a very colorful series that ran in New Times in 1986:

The Doper Roper, circa 1986, with an assist from Judy Darbyshire and lettering by Bob Steinhilber

Too bad the story is thin. Looks good though. Even though we worked most of the morning, and organized a dozen different categories into envelopes it sill looks a bit disheveled.

A Mess Takes Shape, looking north

A Mess Takes Shape, looking west

Jon Nelson gets ready to put in L-shaped anchors to secure the cubby holes in BBB morgue

"I've always thought that the key to a good sex life is variety. That's why God gave me two hands."
—Billy Crystal, "Still Foolin' 'Em"
