Whiskerville, Part II: Last Stop ZZ Top
March 21, 2020
I am on the road to Whiskerville and I ain't shavin' 'til this is over and done with.
Last Stop ZZ Top
I know a few others who are doing the same and wouldn't it be a hoot if we all ended up looking like that little old band from Texas?
Faces of Fear & Hope
These two pottery pieces were created by my Cave Creek artist compadre Judy Darbyshire and they were cemented into one of our adobe walls at a celebration party at the front entrance to our house almost 33 years ago. One has faded while the other remains strong. When I looked at it today, it struck me that it's a fitting symbol to whatever comes out of this social disruption, will be stronger than before.
Here's to seeing you on that day with a freshly shaved face.
"What does not kill you, makes you stronger."
—Old Vaquero Saying
Friedrich Nietzsche was an old Vaquero....? How cool is that?