November 27, 2024
I found the 2,000th drawing on my quest to do 10,000 bad drawings and it's an ambitious doozy.
"He Rode Past The Village of 300 Widows"
(September 4, 2006)
Meanwhile. . .
More Best of the Bad from 94 sketchbooks
Four years ago today, November 27, 2020
"Red State-Blue State Cowboy"
(done during the pandemic)
Then there was that time I went to Traffic School with O.J.
Daily Whip Outs:
"Traffic School Classmates"
(August 13, 2006)
No, I don't think that is actually O.J. Simpson, but it's a dead ringer caricature of the guy. Also, the class was so long and so boring I actually did a second page of sketches.
Recognize any lawbreakers you know? The bigger question is, do they even do Traffic School anymore when you get a ticket? I assume it moved online, but. . .
"Tracy & Christina On The Colorado River"
(September 4, 2005)
There's a ton more, but that's enough Whip-out-reflection for one day.
"One must always search for the desire of the line, where it wishes to enter, where to die away."
"Speeders' detention"