Friday, July 25, 2014

Weston Digs A Bigger Hat!

July 25, 2014
   On the road from Vidal, California to 29 Palms, highway 62 parallels railroad tracks for about ten miles. the entire stretch has rock and wood tributes along the rail roadbed. Pretty amazing.

Roadbed graffiti along Highway 62 between Vidal, California and Iron Mountain

Drove into San Berdu, Glendora, Arcadia and Pasadena on old Route 66. Landed at Deena from Pasadena at about 11:30 and immediately got to playing with a certain grandson.

Weston looks like just maybe he'd like a bigger hat?

Okay, it's official: Weston totally digs the bigger hat.

Tom Bell, his wife and their dog, are coming in from the LAX and we're meeting them for Mexican food. T. Charles says it going to be All Mexican All The Time, until he leaves on Sunday for a teaching gig in Thailand.

"You can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy."
—Old Vaquero Saying