Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Remembering Irataba And Smiling at R-R-R

 August 9, 2022

   A blast from the past. Man, this is a cool guy.

Irataba Mojave Chieftain 

    He traveled to Washington DC and met President Lincoln. The newspapers loved him and called him "The Big Indian". Mojaves are on average very tall, some topping six foot three inches. On his visit to New York City he had an unexpected visitor.

My notes and sketches on Irataba

March 27, 28, 2017

   And, rounding up more scratchboards for the book.

Daily Scratchboard Whip Out:


Daily Scratchboard Whip Out:

"Miss Haughty"

Daily Scratchboard Whip Out:

"The Smoker"

Daily Scratchboard Whip Out:

"Sacagawea Points"

Meanwhile. . .

A Shotgun Wedding

Married on Wyatt Earp's front lawn,
Tombstone, Arizona, October 26, 2019

Bret and Angie Dennis who do Cowboy Action Shooting as Gray Hare & Blue Hare, 

Doubling Down On Dumb

   So, my son Thomas Charles encouraged me to watch "Barry" Season two, episode five. Man, that show rocks! So original and zany. We laughed and laughed some more. In a Marvel telling we might have gotten a clue that the guy Barry was supposed to kill maybe had a couple Tae-Kwon-Do trophies, but NO, the entire room is full of trophies and then when Barry turns around he comments on the "many ribbons" he's won hanging down over the door, so then we have the tension of when is that shoe going to drop? And, then they milk that tension until the abdomen kick in the gut which sends Barry into the wall. And the fight is so damn zany with all the pictures they hit on the wall and things sliding down. And then when Barry goes to the drug store, Mister Tae-Kwon-Do is in there as well seeking medication and we get the store fight, which was zanier than hell and then the super glue on the steering wheel was just crazy ass hilarious. Thanks son. A great recommendation!

   On this note, you should also check out "R-R-R" the Tollywood Indian action film which is streaming on Netflix right now. The fight scenes are jaw dropping ridiculous and are described in the New York Times as "maximalist action and imaginative set pieces." And just for the record, "RRR" stands for "Rise, Roar, Revolt." Oh, and the dance scenes are crazy. good. Ha. Check it out. We loved it.

"You could feel the the room smiling, the jaws dropping"
—Cristina Cacioppo, programmer at Nitehawk Prospeck Park, Brooklyn, New York, describing the crowds watching "R-R-R"

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