Monday, August 19, 2024

Wyatt Earp & Doc Holliday Finally Talk

 August 19, 2024

   It was almost one hundred years ago (1927) that film started talking and today, thanks to AI, a whole bunch of dead people are going to start talking to us as well. Like this guy

And this guy. . .

Okay, this one is really crazy. . .

For The Hard of Hearing

   This September marks my 25th year of running True West magazine and it seems only fitting that after all this time someone else should take over the visual reins of the oldest and best history magazine on the planet. Yes, someone who is not really an avatar, but more like a creepy cousin who sort of resembles me but is also funnier than me by a long shot. No, I am not an insane robot and I am not really a living being either, but like the real Triple B, I am flattered that you would care either way.


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