Sunday, March 16, 2025

Kids Dig History And Jay Dusard Gets His Due

 March 16, 2025

   It was a total drag coming down here. From Phoenix, we fought multiple freeway stops, two accidents, one of them serious with an overturned truck and a shoe in the middle of the high speed lane. Rained all the way. Aggressive A-hole drivers going 95 and swerving in and out of lanes. A couple times, I swore to myself this would be my last trip down. When we got to the Best Western (such an ironic name!) the little family style restaurent attached to the motel is now a niteclub and the "free" breakfast is now dispensed in a water closet style room behind the lobby with the plastic spoons and the microwaved, plastic eggs The festival didn't issue parking passes to the vendors this year so Stuart, who drove us down, had to drop me off behind the student unioin with a dolly and ten cases of mags and books while he went searching for a parking space on the east end of campus

   And did I mention it was still sprinkling and overcast and chilly?
   Got to our booth and loaded all our back issues on the table and then, slowly, the magic starts to happen. 

   In the crush of humanity, most everyone ignores us and walks by on the way to somewhere else. But I would venture that out of every 500 who walk by, there is someone who spies us, then walks up smiling and at that moment I launch the big question:

   Do you like history?

The Kid Likes History!

   This is worth entire trip to see the look on that kid's face. And, he isn't alone. For the first time in memory we've had youngsters wanting to look at an actual magazine dedicated to history. This is a beautfiul thing.

This Mama Got One for Her Son!

Even the Young Women Are Into It!

Mama Got One for Hija

   Meanwhile, catching up with Friday night. We had our celebratory dinner to honor our 2025 True Westerner of The Year Award, and here is the video we played:

   Oh, and all the music was written and recorded by Nils Lofgrin. Just the best.

"I'm just a little ol' booger."
—Jay Dusard

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