Home stretch on Signature Five of "The 66 Kid." We've got The Mapinator, Gus Walker hard at it with a four spread take on all the businesses on Route 66 going through Kingman in the classic period, 1955-1965. Lots of rare photos, including this one:

Goodwin Pool at McConnico, below Kingman, 1949.
Notice the kids jumping in the pool, just over wall, at right. Also, one kid is sun bathing on the wall, at left end of wall. The sign across the highway says, "Protect Your Car" and appears to be a gas station advertisement. Just beyond those jagged buttes in the background is Perfume Pass.
Meanwhile, whipped out this little True West Moment this morning before coming into work:

Daily Whipout: "Men From Music Mountain"
I'm also working on a piece, "Five Babysitters Who Changed My Life." This is one of them:

My babysitter in Kingman, 1949: "Mrs. Holmes"
Buns just called me and corrected several omissions on our Route 66 street map of Kingman. I left out the City Cafe (not sure how that happened), plus the Antler Garage, which his father ran. Oh, and the Platter, owned by Mr. Moline's family (Mr. Moline being a popular fifth grade teacher).
Breaking Bed
Buns also told me a story I had forgotten. When we went to the State Little League Tournament in Phoenix (1959) we stayed at the Palomine Inn on west Van Buren and one of the coaches, Mr. Baxter, sat us down and told us we could have fun but "absolutely no jumping on the beds." He wasn't gone five minutes and we broke every bed in the place.
"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
—Winston Churchill