Today I hit another milestone: the 9,500th bad drawing on my quest to do 10,000 bad drawings. Here 'tis:
Tabulated that, at the rate I'm currently going, I will hit the magic number of 10,000 sometime in September, but since we are going to Buenos Aires on the first of September, to celebrate our anniversary, and to meet up with the kids, I have some urgency to finish before we leave. Tabulated my odds and determined I need to do 12 sketches a day to finish by September 1. Also made a vow to do the best sketches I can in the time I have left. Continuing with the above campfire images, here is a series of campfire lit characters I poached from a photo Robert Ray and I found yesterday while looking for General Pershing and Lt. Patton photos of their Mexican incursion looking for Pancho Villa in 1916:
Learning quite a bit about campfire light Going to nail this before it's over. Still a bit fuzzy on effects. Need to sharpen it up a bit. Gee, I wonder what ol' Ansel has to say about this?
"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."
—Ansel Adams
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