Tuesday, June 08, 2004

June 8, 2004
Mad Coyote Joe came by and took me out for lunch today. We ended up down at California Burger, which moved into the recently closed Burger King at Cave Creek Road and Lone Mountain. Had the Santa Fe burger and iced tea (Joe bought). Fun talking shop with Mad, he’s got numerous deals in the hopper including a possible cooking show in Japan. Amazing.

Got a chance to be mature today. We are doing a list of must have Western books for our September issue and one of our contributing editors nominated a real cranky writer who lives in Tombstone and constantly badmouths me. I was proofing the galleys, saw the rave review, laughed out loud, could have nixed it, but decided to leave it in, and be magnanimous, as RG put it.

In today’s staff meeting I asked everyone to make a list of things that we do that are stupid. Almost immediately, Robert Ray came up with: “Let’s stop using the truewestmagazine.com web address on the cover and everywhere else. It’s stupid, nobody can type it in correctly.” Robert recommends we use twmag.com. Good point. We changed it today.

Got a new poll up. This week’s question is: Who was the better Indian fighter?
George Custer, or Kit Carson. You can click right here to vote.

“Your philosophy determines whether you will go for the disciplines or continue the errors.”
—Jim Rohn

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