Friday, February 25, 2005

February 25, 2005
Worked on a scratchboard close-up of Ike Clanton looking like a victim. He just got another man killed (Frank Stilwell) and he's got that look—The world is so unjust! Speaking of Frank and the train station shooting, I got a good suggestion this morning:

"So, when you do the step-by-step reinactment of the Wyatt Earp train episode
in Tucson, does that include the walking/running 11 miles towards Benson? 'Cause
that might get more people to sign up. Just spitballing."
—Carol D.

Went to Bashas' for milk and meat and cash back ($53 something). Checked on True West in the magazine rack and all five issues are gone. Also, our preliminary numbers for our January-February issue are in and show a 15% jump in sales. This is the Rare Photos Issue, featuring the fantastic photos of Bob McCubbin. I guess we'll be doing that again.

Dan Harshberger sent up six cover concepts for the train issue, utilizing my line art and paintings. Everyone up here liked a black border one the best and he tweaked that and came back with three more. We picked the best one and it goes out the door Monday.

Hanging out on Classic Gunfights. Everything else in editorial is done except me. I'm planning on a successful weekend of painting. Looking forward to it.

"One sure-fire way to stay creative: force yourself to learn something new."
—Harvey Mackay

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