Tuesday, February 08, 2005

February 8, 2005
I started a big locomotive-head-on-in-steam study this morning. Worked in black ink washes on watercolor paper. Joel Klasky got me hooked up with the McCormick Ranch Railroad Park people down in Scottsdale and we’re going down there tomorrow to photograph a conductor yelling.

Buckey Blake called from the Legacy Gallery at about noon and asked me if I wanted to "eat a bean." This is artist slang for going to El Encanto. We met down there and decided to sit outside, but Suzi, one of my favorite waitresses, urged us to move because the table we chose is a favorite bombing run for pooping birds (there is a big branch over the table). "That's why we've got on cowboy hats, Ma'am," Buckeye retorted. We moved two tables down and everything was cool for about five minutes, until we were attacked by a straffing duck. He flew over our table like a dive bomber, skimming our water carafe and coming so close I could smell the web-foot toe jam. Is it just me, or do animals get real obnoxious when exposed to humans in restaurants?

Had the Sonoran enchiladas with an egg on top and coffee. Really fine ($22, I paid $17 cash, includes tip). Buckeye wants to buy a little adobe shack out near Castle Hot Springs. It’s over by Wickenburg and is out in the middle of nowhere. Great little artist studio kind of a place. Only $200,000. Access to the hot springs is iffy, based on the attitude of the prevailing caretaker (in this case I think it’s the Forest Service). Of course, we dreamed outloud, stocking the place like irresponsible artists are prone to do. But we both agreed we wouldn't have any ducks on our new spread.

Got the following Email from a minister:
"As a former contributor to the magazine, and a licensed minister, I'd have to say the Clint Eastwood Jesus was my favorite. Sort of a ‘High Plains Savior’. God Bless You."
—Damian Kinsella

After lunch, Kathy talked me into going up to Carefree for a haircut using a woman she uses (my barber Bev broke her arm and can't cut for another month). This temp gal did okay on my hair but ruined my mustache! Just butchered it down to a Hitler fob. Really steamed ($15, still tipped her $5, like a total dodo!).

Worked until 6:30, took home the big locomotive painting to work on at my home studio. Imagined how much better the painting would be if I had that artist's studio out by Castle Hot Springs.

"Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat."
—Malcolm Forbes

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