Friday, June 02, 2023

Bloody Bill's Bloody Run

 June 2, 2023

   I have covered some bad ones in my time, most notably, John Wesley Hardin and Geronimo, but I have to say, those auspicious and creative killing machines could not really hold a candle to this demonic, scalping psychopath.

Daily Whip Out:

"Bloody Bill Takes The Cake"

   The atrocities he committed on his own and then with his bushwhacking comrades, which included Frank and Jesse James, is too heinous and awful to report here, or, in the book, for that matter. Suffice to say, the dude got what he deserved.

Bloody Bill's Bloody Death

   Those details and his girlfriend "Bush" tomorrow.

"Spit in the sky and it comes back."

—Old Vaquero Saying

1 comment:

  1. Even he and Quantrill couldn't get along and got into a shootout- I think that speaks loads to the man's character. However, he is a fascinating. I like the fact his guerilla compadres referred to him as "the Old Man"- the Old Man was 23 or 24 when he was killed. I visited the BBA exhibit in Ray County Museum and also his death site in Albany (however, it's on private property-but does have a marker). Jesse James vowed revenge on the man who killed BBA and during his1869 robbery in Gallatan, MO mistakenly murdered a man for it. They were bloody men indeed.


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