Monday, June 19, 2023

What In The Sam Hill? Crowd Sourcing & More Jesse Conundrums

 June 19, 2023

   It was my Norwegian grandmother's favorite saying: What in the Sam Hill? Thus the title of this photo.

What in The Sam Hill Crowd

Photo taken at my history talk last Saturday night at the Prescott History Foundation dinner in the historic Sam Hill Warehouse. Left to right, our editor, Stuart Rosebrook, Amy Moseley, BBB, Nancy Beets and Dennis Gallagher, the founder of the organization. We had some major fun.

A Fun fact: Nancy Beets lives in Prescott, works for Southwest Airlines as an air hostess out of Sky Harbor in Phoenix. She drives to work (two plus hours each way) and it is a job she has had for the last 41 years! I know. Good genes right there.
Speaking of good genes, here is my Norwegian grandmother on her wedding day.

Minnie Hauan Bell

More Jesse James Conundrums
He was the son of a Baptist preacher who owned slaves. He prayed fervently and often out loud. He allegedly shot his nearest neighbor, Daniel Askew, three times in the face. He has been described as a kind man and a dapper dresser. He had a prankish charm. He laughed at everything.

Daily Whip Out:
"Jesse Watches As The World Burns"

Of course, Jesse was the exception and some Bushwhackers went on to become solid citizens after the war.

Daily Whip Out: "A Partisan Ranger"

The truth is not facts lined up. And, if that isn't enough to ruin a historian's day, here is another fact: writers who lean on just the facts, are, in fact hacks.

"Clear writing gives poor thinking nowhere to hide."

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them."
—Ray Bradbury

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