Friday, February 14, 2003

February 14 2003
Rained and rained all day yesterday and all night. Had a book signing and speech at Borders at the Biltmore at 7 and drove all the way downtown on clogged and flooded streets. Bad wreck at Union Hills, traffic snarled and backed up. Took almost an hour to get down there. Hauled in a box of mags and ran through the rain, got inside and they had a very nice podium and four rows of chairs set up. Unfortunately only two people showed up (and they came only because they were already in the store and heard the announcement on speakers). One of the humility stressors. Keeps my ego pruned back to the nub. Jana came at the end and I gave her the new issue. Ran into Ed Mell and he was out shopping for Valentine’s Day.

Drove back out the 51. Rained all the way home. Made better time going out. Got home at around 9:15, watched U of A vs. UCLA. The Cats romped.

Woke up this morning with coffee, a Valentine’s Day card and chocolate kisses from my honey. Talked to Kathy about our kids, war and business. Rain finally has stopped (6:51). Looks like Hawaii outside. Tattered clouds hanging over lower elevations of Black Mountain.

Finally finished the last Classic Gunfights image yesterday around three. Tough getting it up to office because it was raining so hard and I work in Gouache (opaque watercolor) and raindrops are the kiss of death.

Something is different in the new April issue. First my mother thanked me for redesigning the magazine and yesterday I got this E-mail from Dan Buck: “Your crack team made some adjustments to the format; there's a much better graphic separation between editorial and advertising. Above all, the issue is a feast for the eyes. The Buffalo Bill and Cottonwood Canyon spreads, while as visually distinct as walnuts and lugnuts, were particular delights.” Although we are constantly tweaking, there was no major redesign. Interesting.

One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears -- by listening to them.”
—Dean Rusk

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