Friday, May 07, 2004

May 7, 2004
We lost a great one. Edmundo Primero (Ed Mell, Sr.) has passed away. When I shared artspace with Ed, Jr. (Edmundo Segundo) I always looked forward to Mr. Mell’s visits. An Arizona original, he was always funny and positive. I told Ed, Jr. several times that when I grow up I want to be like his dad. All three of his sons (Frank, Lee and Ed) shared his wicked sense of humor. He was a true inspiration to me. The memorial services are set for next week.

Deena Bell’s birthday today. She’s 24. I tell her often she is my favorite daughter.

We have a new intern for the summer. He’s Robert Chenal, a history major at NAU (Northern Arizona University). He rode up on his bicycle this morning ready to roll. I lined him out on several projects but when we went over his summer schedule he told me he was going to miss a week in July. When I pressed him on why, he said, and I quote: “To pick up your son at La Guardia.” Ha. Seemed reasonable when he said it that way!

Finished two Bill Doolin illustrations this morning for Classic Gunfights (July). Really strong layout (thanks Gus, Dan and Robert Ray!). John Wesley Hardin is up next.

The harsh and rigid reaction to HBO’s Deadwood is starting to melt. At first it was just a hunch, but I noticed it in an e-mail I got yesterday. It’s from Paul Hutton and this is his reaction: “[a famous Hollywood friend] was put off at first by the overdone language, as were we all, but is now hooked. I absolutely love the show.” Hmmmmm, reminds me of the initial reactions to “All In The Family,” when Archie Bunker’s bigoted tirades finally sunk in, as humor, and five years later everyone claimed to get the show from the beginning.

As relates to yesterday’s comment about Wyatt Earp and Google, here’s Dan Buck’s response: “Let's try to keep this in perspective, Wyatt Earp has fewer than Butch Cassidy (154,000), less than half of Jesse James (293,000—of course, Jesse James also makes motorcycles), and about ten percent of Michael Jackson (2.96 million). But here's the bright side; Earp tallied twice as many hits as Ted Bundy (60,000) and HBO mobster Tony Soprano only netted 54,000. There's a story in here somewhere, but I ain't going to write it.”

Subscriptions keep rolling in from the oddest connections, like this one that Carole forwarded to me: D. Ricks moved to Seguin, TX from England in January and found True West in Wal-Mart and subscribed. He called yesterday and ordered four Collector Issues.

“Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.”
—George Eliot

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