Friday, August 01, 2008

August 1, 2008
Working on some new Billy the Kid designs today. Here's an idea I got in San Francisco several years ago. I was walking down Market Street on my way to the Wells Fargo Museum when I spied these kids wearing Gap sweatshirts. Just those three letters: G-A-P. The idea hit me. What if you had a design that just had the K and the D with the Kid himself standing in for the I. Hmmmmmm.

Got tested at cardio rehab this morning. It was my eighteenth visit (amazing) and they had me do a six minute walk around the track. Last time I did 10 and a half laps in six minutes and this time I did 13. My body fat is exactly the same, but I have lost four pounds, so that is good in terms of fat, but I'm down to 169 which is too thin for my tastes. Just had a Snickers bar which I copped from Carole's office.

Finished Classic Gunfights on the Elzy Lay vs. Cicero Stewart shootout at Chimney Wells. Life and the law is so weird. Elzy was known as Butch Cassidy's chief lieutenant and took part in many successful robberies. He cheated death by hanging, while Tom "Black Jack" Ketchum was hanged for train robbery.

Kathy and I are going to Binkley's, a five-star restuarant here in Cave Creek, for our wedding anniversary tomorrow night. Everyone raves about it. Never been there. Supposed to be expensive, someone said $100 a person.

We didn't get each other presents on Monday, our actual anniversary, but when she got home late that night from a date with the girls from the gym, I thanked her.

She was kind of embarrassed and said, "Thanks for what? I didn't get you anything."

And I said, "Yes you did. Thanks for the gift of not making me go see that damn ABBA movie!"

Yes, she and the girls from the gym all went to see Mamma Mia! and I was just thrilled that they did, because I hate that band and their insipid music. Now if it was an AC/DC movie ("Highway to Hell"?) I'd be in the front row.

"To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate
the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life."

—T. S. Eliot

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