Saturday, April 12, 2014

Maynard Dixon, Geoge Herriman and Jimmie Swinnerton Blow My Socks Off

April 12, 2014
   This morning, in Prescott, I got to take a sneak peek at the famous Wetherill Monument Valley Guest Ranch guest book. Many famous artists and dignitaries stayed there during the twenties, including Teddy Roosevelt and Zane Grey. But the ones I am interested in are the many cartoonists and artists who drew pictures in the guest book. These include James Swinnerton (Canyon Kiddies), George Herriman (Krazy Kat), Rudolph Dirks (The Captain And The Kids) and Frank King (Gasoline Alley). And then, there are the fine artists. Here's a taste:

Maynard Dixon's "Daily Whipout" signing the Wetherill registry book.

And here's William Robinson Leigh's full page entry:

W.R. Liegh's "Daily Whipout"

But the one that blew my socks off is the watercolor Gunnar Widforse whipped out of Shiprock. I'll post that masterpiece later. Here is the gentleman who owns the guest book and many other treasures of the Wetherill family.

Harvey Leake, a direct descendant of the Wetherills and the keeper of the flame. Great guy.

"Back again, Hey?" "Sure, I are, ain't that a hebit [SIC] among us 'kets'"
—George Herriman'a Krazy Kat entry in the Wetherill guest registry