Saturday, October 26, 2024

One Zany Zonie

 October 26, 2024

   My daily morning hike up to Morningstar sometimes has its visual perks.

Sunrise On New River Mesa

One Zany Zonie

   Someone asked me where the term "Zonie" comes from. When we first started going to San Diego for summer vacations way back in the eighties, the locals on Mission Beach got tired of the all the Arizona invaders and someone spray-painted on the boardwalk, "Zonies Go Home!" It made me so damn proud to be an actual irritant to all those California hipsters, that ever since I have referred to myself as a Zanie Zonie.

Two Veteran Editors Breaking Bread
And Solving Life

   Had breakfast with the editor of the Tombstone Epitaph the other day down at Desert Ridge. Mark Boardman and I go way back.

   Meanwhile, on the home front.

   Sometimes Uno comes in the kitchen and watches me eat. When I'm done I have to show him my hands like a blackjack dealer.

   Got the latest Bozecards from JC Printing and if you are on my mailing list, expect to get one of these next week.

   Dan the Man has designed a groovy badge for us to print up as well and this will also be available at Patinas on November 9th.

From The Vault

September 23, 2005
   Got this from a cowboy friend in Canada:

“I live on a ranch in Alberta. At noon I was listening to Paul Harvey news and low and behold he starts talking about Wyatt Earp and Bob Boze Bell. Paul Harvey says how hard this guy in Arizona at Cave Creek tries to find the true story and prints it in his magazine TRUE WEST. Doesn't sound like Mr. Harvey has been reading True West very long or he would know this has been going on for quite a spell. Anyhow am I ever impressed, he's talking about a bunch of my friends !!”
—Bill Dunn, Alberta, Canada

This was in reaction to the Paul Harvey radio broadcast from yesterday. Also. . .

I got a call from Jeanne Sedello yesterday and I said, “Hey, Jeann-er, are you watching that new reality show on VH-1 called ‘Breaking Bonaduce’’?” She assured me she was. “Didn’t we set up Danny,” I continued, “with his wife Gretchen, on our radio show?” Yes, we did, Jeanne Sedello confirmed, as she gave me all the juicy details, some of which I had forgotten. In about 1991 we had a psychic come on our show. Our producer Derek Jones had met a girl at a club the night before and he had her come visit The Jones & Boze Radio Show and she started pressing the psychic about when and where she would meet her future husband, she wanted a family, where was this mystery man? etc. David K. Jones had a sister with cancer and he was putting together a benefit for her at a south Scottsdale bar and we invited Danny Bonaduce, who had just got a morning gig on another local radio show (Y-95?). As Jeanne reminded me, I always thought it was goofy how competing radio stations and morning DJs would shun each other and never give out competing call letters on the air or even admit anyone else was even alive. So, naturally, we invited Danny to come by our show since he had agreed to support David’s benefit. The girl Derek brought in was Gretchen, who quickly fell in love with Danny and she’s been with him ever since (I think she said 14 years last night on the show, while they were in counseling). As an aside, Danny kept calling me “Dad,” which I took as a mild putdown. I was 45 and I always assumed he thought I was an old fart trying to be hip. While he was right about that, I had to chuckle last night on the show, where he is in major angst and meltdown at being old. He’s now 45. Ha. Ha, ha. Payback is a bitch.

End of Flashback. Jeanne told me today, Danny and Gretchen got divorced in 2008.

"I danced like no one was watching. My court date is pending."
—Old Honkytonk Saying

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