Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The View to The Left of My Computer Is Very Valuable to Me

 October 9, 2024

   Someone asked me why I get out on the road so early in the morning for my walk with Uno and the answer is the heat. For the past four months it has been in the high seventies before sunrise, but as soon as the sun shows up, it jumps ten degrees in a very quick matter of time. So, that's why I stepped out this morning to see this.

   Sunrise this morning over Ratcliff Ridge at exactly 6:40 a.m. (one of the amazing and convenient aspects of iPhone technology is that it automatically time stamps every image taken).

Daily Whip Out: "Killer Kid #77"

Daily Reworked Scratchboard Whip Out:

"The Man Who Tore Holes In The Screen

With His Eyes."

   In case you were wondering, here is the view to the left of my computer.

E.J. Montini wrote a column the day after I was fired from KSLX in 1994 and a friend of mine framed it and gave it to me for inspiration. I look at it every day and smile. To the right is an original study by Ed Mell, then a caricature of my son in the gangster pants look and behind him is the Arizona Rangers at Morenci in 1903.

"I am out with lanterns, looking for myself."

—Emily Dickinson

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