Thursday, December 12, 2024

Last Fandango At The Heatwave Cafe, Part II

December 12, 2024

   At one time The Heatwave Cafe was the wildest and most dangerous honkytonk in all of the Southwest. Over a five decade period a dozen men were shot dead in the parking lot. Local authorities claim almost twice that many more men were targets of jealous rage, but the deadly dozen were caught with their pants down and the sheriff's office was quick to warn that it's just so much harder to run with your pants down around your ankles.

The original Heatwave Cafe

February, 1973

   Of course, with the advent of Country Swing it grew into a giant dancehall out on the desert between Wickiup and the Blake Ranch turnoff. The prettiest and wildest cowgirls got down with the rowdiest cowboys who ever rode bareback to school.

   One of those wild and crazy cowboys called the Heatwave his favorite bar and dancin' joint.

Granthum P. Hooker

alias The Doper Roper

   Generations of cow people frequented the famous watering hole.

A Famous Cowgirl's Mother 

at The Heatwave Cafe, circa 1927

   And that famous cowgirl is rumored to be attending the last fandango at the Heatwave Cafe.

Honkytonk Sue In The Corral of her mama's homestead

   Like any wild thing in her twenties, Sue sowed some major oats and, if you believe the rumors, she did some bad things and, if even half the rumors are true, she hurt some good people. The word on the Big Sandy is she aims to make amends. Of course, half the women in Mohave County hate her guts so the sparks may fly one last time. That is, if she even shows up.

"It wasn't god who created honkytonk angels."

—Kitty Wells, 1952

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