Our daily production meetings are going quite well. Yesterday we caught a big, gaping hole in editorial calendar workings. Mike, Robert Ray and I worked it out. Felt good. I wrote up a cartoonist guideline and two rejection letters to cartoonists (this was difficult because I started out as a cartoonist and hated rejection form letters and here I am writing ours! Ironic, eh?).
Abby knocked out an O.K. Corral postcard for April issue. It looks good and we are cooking. Got a letter from a former editor, demanding a retraction for the Butch Cassidy issue. More on that later.

Went to bed and read Vanity Fair, and a great piece on the history of Saturday Night Live. I didn’t know Lorriane Newman was snorting heroin, Chevy was such an ass, and they made such little money. I think the writers were making something like $375 a week (in New York!) and the players were making $750 a show, and only $2,000 a show in the third season. It’s the media myth: we assume because we see somebody in the media they are rich. What’s really ridiculous, is I’ve been doing this for thirty years and I’m still shocked.
As I was reading I got the inspiration to write down the following: “I was in a car going very fast. I thought I would die. Actually, I did. Just not then.” Don’t know where that will fit, but it will.
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."
—Wayne Dyer