Thursday, August 07, 2003

August 7, 2003
A little cooler today (high 90s). Feels good. May wear a sweater to work.

Stress and strain in ad department. We’re growing very fast and Bob Brink assures me this is one of the speedbumps. Met with several salespeople to talk about how to make the department smoother. Good feedback. Everyone in there is working hard.

Went to lunch yesterday with Carole and Kathy at Tuscan Cafe (I had the veggie sando and iced tea: girls had similar fare, $23 cash). We all were roommates about a hundred years ago. Talked about the Oklahoma Land Rush and other events we participated in.

Actually, the years were 1978-79 (and the land rush was in Avondale).

Finished my editorial for Best of the West issue. Got some good inside stuff on the Billy dig, but it was “off the record” which means I can’t tell you, but I can put it on the cover of the next issue. Such is journalism ethics as practiced by a cartoonist who never took a journalism class.

“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.”
Lucille Ball

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