Last night was the fortieth anniversary of the Beatles first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. This morning in our staff meeting I asked how many people actually watched that show. Out of a staff of 13, seven proudly raised their hands (although Gus Walker couldn’t remember exactly that show, which is a sure sign of someone who “participated” in the wild Sixties). I mention this because last night I gave a speech at a retirement resort in Sun City. I spoke to over 300 people interested in all things Western and at the end I gave a plug to our new True West Moments which began running Feb. 1. Only one guy raised his hand when I asked who gets the Westerns Channel. That took the wind right out of my sails. Not a good stat.
Got an interesting e-mail this morning from Mark Curtright of Boston who found this site while Googling the name of artist Ed Mell. Here’s his comment:
“I must comment that since starting to read your blog, I have concluded that you and your staff are the eating out'est bunch I have ever come across. I get hungry reading the stuff you write. Tell the restaurants you mention in the blog about the fact that you are providing free national publicity for them. It might be good for a free pass some time. My only dining recommendations for your consideration during future travels are Casa Grande on Central in Albuquerque (2 blocks east of the Rio Grande). Best red chile ever and cheap. And in Kansas City, Jack Stack Barbeque or Jess & Jim's Steakhouse out south in the Martin City suburb.”
Too true, Mark. By the way, Ed Mell is the featured artist in next month’s issue. And, small, world, I had lunch yesterday with Gail Peterson, Ed’s ex-wife. She’s doing well, and is the director of the “Breaking the Cycle Community Health Care & Comprehensive Family Planning Services.” We ate at China Joy up in Carefree (she bought). Our kids are about the same age, basically grew up together, so we laughed and cried.

And speaking of wild Cowgirls, we got a great letter from Ed Pastor who is a congressman from Arizona. Jana Bommersbach had sent him a Vera McGinnis issue (October 2003) and this is part of his reply:
“Jana, not only did I enjoy reading your article on Vera McGinnis, but my entire Washington office staff devoured the piece as well. We are all in agreement that Vera would be an ideal candidate for a commemorative stamp so I was delighted to submit a letter of recommendation to the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee.”
I’ll share that letter with you tomorrow.
“The best art is that which complicates things for you by exposing impossible contradictions, which makes you question your assumptions about the world.”
—Mona Hatoum
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