Monday, November 01, 2004

November 1, 2004
Went over to Brad and Carol Radina's last night for halloween trick or treating. Grandma Betty was a crack-up. She came as a "Gay Blade." Pink ruffled shirt, fedora, spangly shoes. She was so fine. Carol and 'Cedes had the vampire deal down cold and I do mean cold. Brad was a big, bad wolf. Kathy and I came as ski instructors (which was a really lame outfit, except it kept us warm). Brad and Carole set up a table in the carport so the kids don't have to knock on the door, they can just come up and get the goodies. Kind of cool. Saw a whole bunch of witches, dirt bike riders, Spidy men, but not one Martha Stewart. Kind of disappointing.

Speaking of disappointing, today I got one of those subscription cancellation Dear John letters that I hate to get. But this one was kind of funny. A Texan named Roy Clowers scribbled across his subscription form, "My sub has run out, that’s good! These mags are hard to burn." I had to laugh. He's upset about the new format ("old Hosstail would turn over in his grave."). I'm not upset with him, I consider him part of the family, so I wrote him a nice letter.

"When in doubt, have two guys come through the door with guns."
—Raymond Chandler

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