Wednesday, November 10, 2004

November 10, 2002
The Tombstone tape is mighty fine. In fact, the money shot, Ike Clanton letting fly with both barrels at Virgil Earp, shot on the exact spot where it happened is just too cool for school. I've Emailed our web guru, Jason, to see if he can load the sequence onto the site here so you can see it. He's out of town and it may take several days, but you need to see this. I've watched it multiple times and each and every time I let out a whoop. It is so believable.

Of course, it's not all perfect. Some of the other stuff is so-so (the two-story adobe Huachuca Water Co. building under construction is obviously cinderblock and although we went out of our way to disguise it, it's still glaring and fooled no one on the staff who viewed the tape this morning), but all in all, it is a winner. The sawing of Virgil Earp's arm is outrageous and several were fooled by the doggy bone. Amazing. Mike P. stayed up last night tweaking the editing until midnite and I can't wait to see it fine tuned.

Worked on two black and blue plaid shirt killing scratchboards and wrote up a proposal for the show. Had an executive session with RG, Bob Brink and Carole at 1:30. We are working on several big projects and we talked quite a bit about the pros and cons. More later.

Well, I spoke too soon on the success of last weekend’s Wild West Days. A horseman was killed on Saturday afternoon at the event. In fact, as I drove up town on Saturday to get film I passed the accident site unaware of what had just happened. I heard the sirens, and a firetruck passed us going on the shoulder but I never made the connection. I assumed it was some horse accident but didn't dream it was of the deadly kind.

Evidently a horse participating in a poker run got spooked by a hayride wagon and backed into cholla cactus, then, no doubt in extreme pain, galloped across Cave Creek Road, in traffic, and dumped the rider, who landed on his head in the Horny Toad's parking lot, which is about fifty yards east of our offices. A bystander who witnessed the wreck, ran over to help and noticed the rider was "unconscious, with blood coming out of his ears." He was 63 and, according to the Republic, an accomplished rider.

Of course, now critics are slamming the event as being poorly run and too dangerous. I feel so bad for the family and the community. Everyone worked so hard to make it a success. All that work and now this.

"Death is never at a loss for an occasion."
—Old Vaquero Saying

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