Tuesday, November 30, 2004

November 30, 2004
Good staff meeting this morning as we critiqued the newest issue (some concern about the new design being too gray, although Crystal came in later and said one of her clients thinks it's "classy"). We have started a reward system for good ideas and this morning Crystal won a crisp $10 bill and Joel Klasky won a $5 spot. The entire sales staff is going to Vegas this weekend for Cowboy Christmas and they vowed to use it for gas money. Yeh, right.

The general public often gets confused between Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill Cody. They sort of overlap a bit in the public's imagination. They share the Bill name and their long hair and style are quite interchangeable, and we can understand the confusion, but it was with great mirth that I held up this morning's Scottsdale zone edition of the Arizona Republic with the headline: WILD BILL MUSEUM BRANCH ON HOLD. Ooops. It's the Buffalo Bill Museum branch that's actually on hold, which the body copy got right, but the headline writer missed, or mashed.

Had lunch with Carole and Kathy at the Bad Donkey ($5 cash, just had the "two scoop soup" and iced tea, trying to watch what I eat a bit better, especially after seeing Supersize Me this last weekend, you know, the doc where the guy ate at McDonald's three meals a day for 30 days).

Worked all afternoon on CGII copy, finishing parts of three different sections. Still not working fast enough, but I'm in the water and moving towards the goal. And, of course, once I get going I can't stop, and most of the time go too far. Is there a life lesson to be learned in all of this?

"The secret of life is to know when enough is enough.”"
—Dr. Vincent Ryan

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