Spent most of the weekend on cover art. I have this persistent vision in my head of a leering Billy, looming over the New Mexico landscape. I have a half-decent design in mind, and a whole slew of sketches to back it up:
Came up with the line: "Billy the Kid looms over the New Mexico landscape like a cultural atomic bomb." Ha.
Trying to develop the theme with clouds that could be a mushroom. Mmmmm.
And, in the middle of all this, I got on a skeleton kick, for an Old Vaquero Saying idea I've been kicking around:
And, oh yes, I poached a sunset from a photo Reb posted on Friday's blog post. I call it a "Reb-set":
Crossed the 9,900 barrier yesterday. Did 20 sketches and now I've got 85 bad drawings to do to complete my quest to do 10,000. Amazing. Planning on finishing a week from today.
Did go on Friday to see the opening of Inglorious Basterds. Quentin is so over the top ridiculous you have to love him. Great humor and mad dog violence. Loved it. Unfortunately I could love him even more at half the length. With the two Kill Bills and now this Nazi-Kill-Fest, coming in at three hours, I wish someone would, and could, edit him down even a tad. But no one has figured out how to do it, so we take him in long doses, waiting for the inevitable blast of humor and outrageousness.
Speaking of sinister Germans, I wonder what ol' Goethe has to say about Tarantino?
"A talent is formed in stillness, a character in the world's torrent."
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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