Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Pimp My Hero

March 2, 2011

Yesterday I drove down into the Beast and landed at Canyon Recorders to tape my part of "Arizona Mosaic," a centennial project. To hear my contribution you can hear the full track, along with the all the other finished tracks, by going to Territorial Brass.

Had lunch today with Larry Winget, best selling author and motivational speaker. Funny, funny guy. When he told me about his mid-life crisis and affair I asked him how he has managed to stay married for 29 years, and he said he sat down and talked to his wife, and "we realized we're both in love with the same guy."

Our office copies of the next issue, April, arrived this morning. Our cover story, "The Three True Grits: Which One Is The True Masterpiece?" by Paul Andrew Hutton is quite strong. Should be dropping into your mailbox by the end of this week.

Finally got a peek at Jeff Guinn's new Tombstone book "The Last Gunfight," and it has some of the newest scholarship on all things Wyatt Earp. For example, we have known for some time that Mr. Brave-Courageous-And-Bold was arrested several times in Peoria, Illinois in 1872, on a floating bagnio (a brothel). A newspaper clipping, which I had not seen, is included in Guinn's book and makes an even stronger case regarding Earp as a pimp: "Some of the women are said to be good looking, but all appear to be terribly depraved. John Walton, the skipper of the boat, and Wyatt Earp, the Peoria bummer, were each fined $43.15. . .Sarah Earp, alias Sally Heckell, calls herself the wife of Wyatt."

Still, some Wyatt worshippers continue to whitewash this damning evidence with the wishful thinking that Earp was merely a bouncer on these boats. Yes, and Charlie Sheen cured himself with his mind.

Have another Last Light On Morning Star study, but we are installing all new computers in the office and the scanner is still loading new software.

"The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there."
—L. P. Hartley

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