Thursday, March 13, 2014

Kingman Compadres Revisited

March 13, 2104
   Working on more sketches for our Two-lane Flattop feature in "The 66 Kid." Spent most of this morning whipping out little studies of the guys and gals i went to school with. Here's a cool guy, who was a year older than me but he was in my third-grade class when we moved back to Kingman.

Daily Whipout, "Alex Sauthojame Stands Tall And So Does His Hair"

   I have fond memories of Alex carrying us all on his back as we tried to tackle him in third grade on the front lawn of grammar school as we played Runthrough. One kid is "it" and he tries to tackle someone as they run across the lawn towards him. If a guy is tackled then the two of them try to tackle the rest, until there is only one guy left. It very often was Alex. He was strong as an ox and on one occassion there must have been five or six of us trying to bring him down and he just kept walking with little anglos all over his big body.

   Then there's this dude:

Daily Whipout, "AT"

   He was one of the first to call me Boze. Then we have this guy who could be a handfull:

Daily Whipout, "Salty"

And this guy who is a great friend and editor:

Daily Whipout, "Bugs"

   And this guy who I worked with at my father's Phillip 66:

Daily Whipout, "The Stayne"

   And then there is this girl:

Daily Whipout, "Karen J."

   Going to be a fun section of the book. Need to finish tonight as we are going to the Tucson Book Festival tomorrow.

"Lena, I'm having one more bee with Sven. If I'm not home in one hour, read this message again."
—Old Swedish joke