October 6, 2014
Yesterday a select group of Kid Krazy aficionados met in secret at the Gallegos House. I can't divulge what was discussed, but I can say it got testy and lots of crazy plans ensued.
Last night we had a big dinner down at the Ellis Store, one of the oldest buildings in Lincoln. Frederick Nolan has been researching in Lincoln for the past fifty years and he stunned me by saying he had never been inside:

Fred Nolan on the lawn of The Ellis Store
Lest you think the Kid attracts only homely weirdos, check out these good looking weirdos:

Billy Babe Linda Pardo

Billy Babe Shelly Buffalo Calf

Billy Babe Lori Goodae, president of The Billy The Kid Gang
Ken Amorosano finished filming our Kid Crew yesterday at the Tunstall Store. Here is Steve Sederwall getting ready to tell his side of the story in Tunstall's bedroom:

Steve Sederwall Is Ready for His Close-up
Lincoln now has a great little art gallery and coffee shop. Gary took me over there on Thursday and here was the scene:

The Troublemakers: Sandy James, Annamarie Lamay and Adele Koleck, the owner of Annie's Sureshot Coffee Shop, across the street from the Gallegos House.
"We were quite afraid of the [Apaches] because they killed women. Dona Genovevas' grandmother was killed coming from Las Chosas in a caret. The grandmother was holding a baby in her arms and the Indians killed the baby and the grandmother and others in the caret. This happened about where [The Ellis Store] is now."
—Lorenzita Miranda