Saturday, February 04, 2023

Tools & Explosives By Oxen for A Better Tomorrow

 February 4, 2023

   Got a couple great photographs from Lynda Sanchez in Lincoln, New Mexico.

Tools & Explosives Delivered by Oxen, 1900

Somewhere In Sonora

Paisanos Son Sombreros

   Another great shot of peons in huarachis and portable beds (the proverbial blanket over the shoulder). so dang cool. Thanks Lynda!

Hoodoo You Love?

   Northern Mexico and the great Southwest at this time is so evocative to me. Check out this classic Hoodoo, above. It has long fallen over (and not by human miscreants). So unique and so lonely. I think Steinbeck said it best.

"All great and precious things are lonely."

—John Steinbeck

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