Sunday, January 26, 2025

Mexican Hat, Utah & Cowboy Artist Mecca

 January 26, 2025

   I've seen some dust storms in my time, but this one takes the cake.

Daily Whip Out: "Crazycrack Dust Storm" 

  Best named outcropping in the lower 48?

Mexican Hat, Utah

My Mecca

   It took me a while to get there, but I finally did.

The Cowboy Artist Charlie Russell outside his studio in Great Falls, Montana. It took me almost two decades to get there and I arrived in a snowstorm in 1986, but I got out of the car and got down on my knees and genuflected in the snow to my painting hero. He means that much to all of us who love the authentic West.

Old Main in the middle of nowhere
(I think that's A Mountain in the background)

   My old school, I am proud to say, was partially paid for by two gamblers and a saloon owner in the Old Pueblo. I had two ROTC classes in the basement when that was mandatory (1965-67). We called it Old Main and I think they still do.

   Meanwhile, here's a cool shot I have never seen of Tombstone, Arizona in 1933.

Tombstone, looking up Fourth Street

and that's Schieffelin Hall on right,

two story building, 1933

   And, here's the same view, taken in October of 2000 by me on my way to OKII: the Showdown at Schieffelin Hall between Glenn Boyer's crew and Casey Tefertiller's crew.

Rainbow in the Dragoons

  It got ugly, and I covered it all. The showdown, not the rainbow.

"Rainbows are a promise of a better tomorrow, unless you are a bickering historian who hates anyone and everyone who might publish some inane fact before you do."

—Old Author Saying

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