Saturday, January 18, 2025

The New Young Guns Are Gunning for Boomers Like Me

 January 18, 2025

   The ground is shaking, the earth is quaking, my mind is aching, and, well, if you're an AC/DC fan, you know the rest.

Daily Whip Out:

"Riders On The Dust Storm"

  There's a new group of riders coming this way and they are hell bent on fixin' all the stuff we have mismanaged and ruined. And by we I mean the dreaded Boomer Gang.

   When I was an underclassman at the University of Arizona (1966-68) a classmate commented that when we get in power the world will finally be fixed and the old, "corrupt" power guard—Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon!—will be relegated to the trash heap of history. Fast forward, and here is the sum total of my fellow Boomers who became president: George W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and Donald J. Trump. All of them born a month apart in 1946, the same year I was born. Now I don't care what your political persuasion might be, but that is a mighty mixed bag of Boomer nuts. And, frankly, it sums up my generation's conceit to the T. And, so, here comes the next generation about to fix everything we screwed up.

   And so it goes.

   American Primeval has had 10,400,000 views in one week! Meanwhile, I am being lobbied from Down Under to do this cover:

James B. Mills sees this as the next cover

"Anything is much more believable, if it happens in the past."
—Richard Lester

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