Monday, January 20, 2025

Trail Hand Charlie Goodnight & Big Hats Galore

 January 20, 2025

   See, the problem with legendary Texan, Charlie Goodnight, is he left us no photos of himself as a cowboy and that is a cryin' shame. Almost all of his portraits are banker-fied. Suits, and not even a hat on! Yes, I know there are some photos of him late in life with a hat on, but damn, where's that unstoppable, young, hothead Trail Hand?

   That's why it's time for a little steely-eyed Kaboy, to honor the man who some believe was the original Landman.

Daily Whip Out:
"Trail Hand Charlie Goodnight"

   As my painting pard, Buckeye Blake put it, "That's our man for sure. I can hear his spurs from here."

   I'll take that to the bank.

Daily Whip Out:
"Charlie Goodnight Monument" 

   I did this second image of Goodnight for two reasons. One is we want to feature Charlie on the cover of True West and I also need a good cowboy statue to illustrate one of my favorite quotes:

"Heroes are not giant statues framed against a red sky. They are people who say: This is my community, and it is my responsibility to make it better."
—Studs Terkel

   Other than that, I've got a profound love for big, bad hats.

Big Hats Galore

Great shot of Emiliano Zapata (seated, center) and his crew, 1914. Almost proves the old vaquero saying, If everybody is wearing a big hat, ain't nobody wearing a big hat. Well, yes, except for that little Hijole in the top row in the puny straw.

"I never had a compass in my life, but I was never lost."

—Charlie Goodnight

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