January 8, 2025
Still trying to nail that "suspended in amber" look.
Daily Whip Out: "Rurales In Amber #4"
Getting closer. Love the happy accident sun directly over the second rider's head.
The Battle of Bad Friends
Our crack designer Rebecca Edwards, and I, are working on a new doubletruck for the Tombstone Epitaph featuring an old Classic Gunfight I am very proud of. Here is the second page just to give you a taste:
And, speaking of the Mexican Revolution. . .Another Tasty Reading of Reed
"These were metropolitan days for Presidio, a straggling and indescribably desolate village of about fifteen adobe houses, scattered without much plan in the deep sand and cottonwood scrub along the river bottom. Old Kleinmann, the German storekeeper, made a fortune a day outfitting refugees and supplying the Federal army across the river with provisions. He had three beautiful adolescent daughters whom he kept locked up in the attic of the store, because a flock of amorous Mexicans and ardent cowpunchers prowled around like dogs, drawn from many miles away by the fame of these damsels. Half the time he spent working furiously in the store, stripped to the waist; and the remainder, rushing around with a large gun strapped to his waist, warning off the suitors."
—John Reed, Unsurgent Mexico
And, another sneak peek at our upcoming coverage of Sexy Sadie.
Daily Rough Whip Out: "Sexy Sadie" She was not who she said she was and even this image is not her and that's half the point.
And, finally, a tightening of the pack cinch just for grins.
"For many people, the talents that bloom later in life are more consequential than the ones that bloom early."—David Brooks
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