Productive day in office yesterday. Had a staff meeting at 8:30. Mike Melrose evidently had so much fun at his reunion he stayed over an extra day (probably shacked up with a former teacher).
Brought in the big Vera and Robert Ray scanned it and enriched the colors.

Jana, Kathy, Carole, Meghan, the Brinks, Dave Daiss, Jerry J. and I went down to Satisfied Frog for lunch. Had a great time and talked about the biz, the Billy dig and many items of importance ($24 cash).
Got an E-mail from a kid in Australia named James Mills who loves the Old West and especially Billy the Kid. Here’s his P.S.: “Your biography on your website is both inspirational, and hilarious, you’ve lived quite a life.”
Kathy and I went out to dinner at Tonto with Dave and Doreen last night. Great time talking about their new ranch down at Sonoita. We’re going to be staying with them this weekend. Had the salmon. Really good. Dave actually ate. That was even better.
“I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate.”
—George Burns