Friday, November 17, 2006

November 17, 2006 Bonus Blog
Went home for lunch and ruined big fire painting. Or, at least I left and felt it was beyond hope, but sometimes I come home and see it with different eyes. We'll see.

Speaking of fire paintings, got this from a fire fiighter:

"I've fought a more than a few brush fires in my 30 years as a firefighter, and your painting is almost right on. As in a real fire near dusk, there are always dark shadows on the ground and brush despite the light from a high flames. I don't know why it is, but it just is. I think you captured that well. The only thing no one has ever got right either in paint or film is the smoke. Your effects are better than most. If you aren't happy with this painting, I'd check with local firefighters for help with the small details of wildfire near dusk."
—Jim Catalano

This afternoon, Robert Ray and I went over the available gunfights for CG, Volume III and it really has some sweet ones including the Alamo, Little Big Horn and Butch and Sundance Doomed In the Andes (thanks to Dan Buck and Ann Meadows for allowing me to use their research and photos). Also, we are planning expanded coverage of the Medicine Lodge and Caldwell gunfights with a potential artshow to coincide with the publishing of the book at Old Cowtown in Wichita and then a travelling art show and book premiere in Caldwell and Medicine Lodge. In addition Jeff Hildebrandt is planning on us doing another batch of True West Moments while were there (the tentative date for all of this is in April). Speaking of which, we have a secret little present for all of you, which we have been working on for the past month. Yes, finally, after much talk and a little traction, 20 of my favorite True West Moments will be available on DVD. This is a limited edition and we will start taking orders in a couple weeks. In the meantime, here's a peek at the cover:

"If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present."
—John Maxwell

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