Friday, October 09, 2009

October 9, 2009
Had an eye exam at 10:30 this morning. The doctor asked me if I had any unusual eye problems and I said, every once in a while, in the middle of the night I wake up with really itchy eyes. He asked, "Do you have a ceiling fan?" Ah, yes we do, and in the summer we run it all night. "That's it. Ceiling fans really dry out your skin and your eyes. When we sleep we usually don't close our eyes completely and a fan can dry your eyes to the point of irritation."


Robert Ray and I are working on a featurette that may run in the Arizona Republic. It's a takeoff on our popular True West Moments that run on the Westerns Channel (31 million subscribers, more people watch the Westerns Channel than Showtime). Here's our first rough for the prototype:

And here's the second:

Speaking of Billy the Kid, our joint art show at the Overland Gallery goes up next Tuesday with the artist's reception on Thursday night at seven. Here's more info:

Scottsdale Blog Plug

Yes, I've had several people mention to me that the gal at the top of the blog site is a takeoff on Honkytonk Sue.

"The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober."
—William Butler Yeats

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