Friday, January 03, 2014

A Huge Schematic Corrals Boxlip Darrell

January 3, 2014

Dan The Man Harshberger and I have been working hard on the first 16-page signature of our book project, "The 66 Kid." Woke up at two this morning concerned about having enough content. I penciled in all of the layouts and topics I wanted to cover, assigned them wing ding space and discovered I am still 50 pages short! Yesterday, I had our production manager, Robert Ray, print out a couple 192-page schematics of the book so I could start plugging holes. This was my view at the kitchen table this morning at 5:30:

192-page schematic and 66 Kid sketchbook, plus the "Tell me Something" book

   And here's a little closer view so you can see just how many flippin' holes I have to fill:

Closeup of the two-page "66 Kid" schematic

   Meanwhile, I've been working on caricatures of classic Kingman nicknames:


   And, also this dude:

Boxlip Darrell: Although he grew up to be quite religious, Boxlip had a very crude mouth in high school and got his nickname from his constant swearing ("box" being a crude euphemism for a woman's private parts) and his brazen theory that if you walked into English class and blurted out crude swear-words as you walked behind Mrs. Logsdon, she would think to herself, "He can't be saying what I think he just said." Much to his classmates' amusement, it worked every day for an entire year and he never got caught.

Warning: some facial characteristics may have been changed to protect the guilty.

   There's more but I don't have time to post right now. But I will say, the book on the table, "Tell Me Something" is very inspiring. Here's a quote from it:

"Every good idea is the great-grandchild of bad ones."
—Alan Berliner, documentarian, First Cousin, Once Removed (2013)