Is this where Powers Booth got his look for "Tombstone"? Or, is it just a happy accident?

Rattlesnake Pete or Powers Booth as Curly Bill?
Just finished a new True West Moment on Changing Woman

Daily Whipout: "Changing Woman"
Both the Apaches and the Navajos have a version of Changing Woman, a powerful diety who is the goddess of fertility and reproduction.
I was looking for something else and found this little cloud study, looking north from my studio on Old Stage Road. That's Elephant Butte on the left and Continental Mountain on the right.

Daily Whipout, "Summer Clouds Over Cave Creek"
Finishing up images for The 66 Kid documentary. Lots of great stuff to chose from, like this image:

Daily Whipout, "Big Sandy Cowgirl"
"It has never mattered to me that millions of people might think my opinions are wrong. The number of people who thought Hitler was right did not make him right.
—Frank Vincent Zappa