Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall Explained

 July 28, 2024

   We are still putting the finishing touches on our cover story for the next issue.

   It features a 10-page excerpt from my next book. Some of my latest efforts will not make it into the issue, but they will be in the book, like this little dittie inspired by Dylan's lyrics (see yesterday's post):

Daily Whip Out:

"Children of The Bloody Swords"

   If you've ever wondered if mere words can evoke strong emotions, I suggest you watch again the trailer for A Complete Unknown.

   And, in case you were wondering, like I was, what was the inspiration for the mega-emotional lyrics, here is the Minnesota Muse himself on the backstory:

"Every line in it is actually the start of a whole new song. But when I wrote it, I thought I wouldn't have enough time alive to write all those songs so I put all I could into this one."

— Bob Dylan, on the genesis of "A Hard Rain Is Gonna Fall"

   And, FYI: Patti Smith performed the song with orchestral accompaniment at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony on December 10, 2016, to commemorate Dylan receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature. During the rendition, Smith was overcome with emotion and missed several key lines. She apologized and explained to the audience that she was nervous about performing the iconic song.

"Oh, the times they are a changin'. . ."

—Bob Dylan

1 comment:

  1. I like the cover! As a Minnesota man, I am looking forward to the Dylan bio-pic. I was a little young for his heyday, but remember sitting on the floor of my older brother's room listening to 8 tracks of Dylan. Even at a young age I was fascinated by his story telling, especially in Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts. He and Kris Kristopherson are two writers I like to study.


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