Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My Longtime Friend and Co-Author Jana Bommersbach Has Passed

 July 17, 2024

   It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that my long time friend, Jana Bommersbach has passed. Her sister, Judy, informed me this morning that her sister died this morning and she was at peace.

   We go way back to the New Times days at the San Carlos Hotel where we shared an office.

   That's Jana at far right. And, yes, she was one of my first hires when we bought True West magazine because I knew she would write about Old West Saviors with wit and grit. She and I also co-wrote the recent book, Hellraisers & Trailblazers, which was a bumpy ride but our friendship endured.

Jana and me on Carefree Highway in 2023

Photo by Kathy Sue Radina

   When a memorial is scheduled I will let you know.

"Meet some of the women who should be in every history book."

—Jana Bommersbach, in the preface to our book


  1. I am very sorry to hear this. She was one of a kind.

  2. Good talking with you today, Bob – although I wish it had been under better circumstances. Jana was a true hero of mine and a lot of New Times writers back when you guys both worked there (we all dug you too, of course!). Sad to see her go.

  3. Lorraine Dunlap4:18 PM

    She was such an incredible writer. I am so sorry for her loss.

  4. Thom Scott6:29 PM

    I'm so very sorry for this loss and how it affects you, Kathy, and the entire TW family. I recall Jana from my days at New Times. She was a force of nature even back then. I suspect she'll remain so for an eternity or two.

  5. Really sorry. R I P Jana.

  6. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I first met Jenna in 1971 when I was a planner for the City of Tempe and she was a perky reporter covering City Hall. We hit it off and she gave me amazing words of wisdom on dealing with the Press . It's been so many years. So many memories. Dang! I'm going to miss that girl.

  7. Anonymous3:37 AM

    My condolences!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  8. Shea Stanfield8:20 AM

    I was stunned when I heard of Jana's passing on Wednesday. As a Valley native, I had the great pleasure of following Jana's career through its facinating variety. Can't tell you how many times I recommended her books to books clubs and friends for the sheer pleasure of getting to know the women who make up this corner of the West. Yes, a real Hellraiser & Trailblazer in her own right! I thrilled she called "here" home and we're going to miss her tanisity and humor.


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