Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Billy Staging Area & Schepp Won't Back Down

 July 9, 2024

   Rounding up everything for the big road trip tomorrow.

Billy Staging Area This Morning 

   Yes, I am gearing up for the launch tomorrow of the Kid assault on Lincoln County. A dozen paintings, check. One sculpture, check. 100 poster prints, check. One art print, check. One framed painting that has nothing to do with Billy the Kid, check. Fifteen baby aspirin, check. Full tank of gas, check. Eighty-seven books, check. Two boxes of assorted True West magazines, check.

   Meanwhile, my number one patron bought the two signature pieces in the show.

"Billy at the Back Door of The Ellis Store I & II"

   And, he paid a pretty penny for the privilege. I tried to talk him into giving someone else a shot at one of them, but you know how he can be when he sets his mind to something. Anyway, both are framed with the floorboards the Kid actually walked on and they will be in the show, but with red dots on them.

“Life is beautiful if you are on the road to somewhere.”

—Orhan Pamuk

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