Tuesday, January 07, 2003

January 7, 2003
Windy and cold yesterday. Sprinkled but didn’t do much else. Good day in office. Still major planning for 2003. Went over trade shows coming up: High Noon in Mesa, Winter Range and Festival of the West. Trying to determine how best to promote these shows, do well, get our product out and make some money, or better put, not lose money.

Almost finished Classic Gunfight copy. Hope to finish today. Need to recharge and get going. We have come so far with the magazine but in many ways we have just begun. In my April editorial I talk about discovering True West as a nine-year-old in Kingman. The year was 1957 and the magazine was already four years old. To me it was brand spanking new, revolutionary. I imagine the same is true now. We are just coming onto the radar of some people. Bob McCubbin sent me two comments from friends in California and Texas about the January and February issues. Their comments were almost identical: “These last two issues were great but I don’t think you can keep up this quality.” That, is the goal.

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”
—Louis L'Amour

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