Went to my family doctor today and he checked me out. Ripped off my final bandages, which were slapped on the entry area for the angiogram-stent procedure, which is in the groin area. Needless to say, this woke me up.
Got some great photos of the Exits Exit and accounts of the event:

Good shot of the Elks as the musicians arrived for rehearsal on March 22. From left, Terry Mitchell, Charlie Waters, BBB, Wayne Rutchman and Steven Craig Burford.
"We all have witnessed miracles. This one won't ever be forgotten.The Exits Exit was almost the 'real deal' that day."
—BeBe Doshier
I'll run her narrative tomorrow. Here's a couple more shots BeBe took:

This is when I jumped off my drums and started playing on the floor.

This is a photo of the last Gator.

Pondering my mortality?
Terry Mitchell's Account
"I feel in my heart that I was supposed to be at the Exits Exit to HELP others along with myself, save your life.
"The reason I feel this way is because from our prior conversation on how you took the time to track me down and personally call me and invite me to the gig.
"I had plenty of excuses in my mind not to attend and I know I gave them all to you. I wasn’t going to go either. My wife Kathy said you should go Bob obviously wants you there or he wouldn’t have gone to the trouble to locate you. Next, Charlie emails me asking me to come. So, the culmination of things said and done prompted me to go.
"The company I work for is adamant about ensuring their employees are trained in First-Aid, every 3 years, BBP and adult CPR, yearly. This training is done through the Red Cross. I am the manager for this facility and one of my responsibilities is to follow through on this and not let them become overdue. It took almost two weeks before I could get a scheduled training date set. I still have 3 weeks before the BBP and CPR training becomes expired, but because of what I felt was a busy work schedule at that time I decided to get it done and get it out of the way, before I went to Kingman. Sometimes you start to feel like these training programs are a waste of time and money and that you will never need it or use it. We had received our training on 3/12/2008, so things were fresh in my mind.
"I am not going into any details on this, but believe me it was total pandemonium when things started to happen. I swear on the Bible though Bob I DID have my faculties about me when 5 people, Gary Conrad, Cody Rutschman and his fiancé Jenna Doucett, Wayne Rutschman and myself all rushed to your aid. EVERYBODY played an important roll. There is no one person that did anymore than anyone else. I looked each one of these people in the face as we performed a miracle THROUGH GOD.
"The only thing that matters is Bob you are still with us and we WILL play together again
"I was so gratified (and I’m not sure this is the right word to use here) that I contacted the Red Cross instructor who trained me and my fellow workers, just to say thank you so much for your commitment to train people because it does make a difference. Well now they want me to speak at a Red Cross seminar about how important it is for company’s and the public to receive the Red Cross training that is available."
—Terry Mitchell
"Who knew that off rhythm drumming caused heart attacks? Stay strong."
—Minnesota Mike Melrose
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