Friday, March 02, 2012

Arizona Rough Riders, Saddle Rings & Eagle Eyes

March 2, 2012

Working this morning on a new True West Moment on Arizona Rough Riders. Whipped out this study this morning before I came into work.

Had some good reference: several Remington paintings and Chris Zimmerman photos which he has shared with me, and, in fact, are on this site. Thanks Chris!

This Just In: two retired teachers from Indiana just walked in the True West World Headquarters and bought this painting, and another one of mine. That was sweet.

Meanwhile, our April cover is causing waves. We used a great photo of a Texas Ranger which I had never seen before (got it from Bob Alexander, who got it from Chuck Parsons).

This is one of several letters and emails we have received:


The April cover is great. The guy absolutely epitomizes the American image of the rough, tough, independent man in the old west. However, I did notice a couple of discrepancies. (I probably won't be the only one either.)

1. The saddle ring on an 1873 Winchester rifle is located on the left side. The loading gate is on the right. (re:The famous Billy The Kid mirror image?) This means the photo was a tintype.

2. This also means he was not left handed (re: holstered pistol)

3. Tintypes were not in color.

Just commenting on what caught my eye, not criticizing.

—Lee Anderson


Several others have commented on the saddle ring being on the wrong side (it's on the left side). Perhaps you think this is nitpicking, perhaps you think these people should get a life, but I see this as fun. I love it that these guys are out there paying attention. Besides, ol' Tomas kind of nails it:

"I think work is the world's greatest fun."
—Thomas Edison

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